Resolution Process
Local Resolution
Local Resolution Teams are made up of community professionals who bring valuable expertise in creating a tailored plan specifically designed for your child and family. This team may include people from child-serving agencies, education, child welfare, health services, and sometimes youth justice.
Once we receive an Access Package, we will arrange a meeting in your family’s home community to discuss the support your child needs. One of our Service Coordinators will lead the meeting, which typically lasts about an hour and includes no more than six participants. We encourage families to attend, and children aged 13 and older are welcome to join the conversation. However, we carefully consider situations where it's not in the child’s best interest to participate.
The goal of the meeting is to work together to develop a community-based plan that meets the unique needs of your child and family. If the Team determines that all community-based options have been explored and that more intensive live-in services are required, we will make a referral to the Service System Resolution Team.
Service System Resolution
A CSCN Service Coordinator leads the meetings of the Service System Resolution Team. This team includes senior representatives from all the live-in intensive service agencies within CSCN’s region.
During the meeting, the CSCN Service Coordinator presents the young person's situation, and the team decides which live-in intensive service funded by the Ministry of Health/Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services can best support the child and their family. The team’s decision is quickly shared with the family, along with information about the next steps in the admission process. The child or youth is then added to the list for the selected service.
For further information, please contact CSCN at 519-438-4783 or toll free at 1-877-480-2726 and ask for Children's Intake.