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At CSCN our WrapAround process is designed to improve the lives of children and youth experiencing mental health concerns, and their families by encouraging family choice, ownership, and determination. It is especially helpful for children involved with multiple systems, such as mental health, child welfare, juvenile justice, or special education, and those at risk of needing intensive live-in treatment.


The goal is for children and families to benefit from an integrated system of care (One Family, One Plan, One Focus).


In WrapAround, families, service providers, and key people in the family's support network work together to build a creative plan that addresses specific needs of the child and family. The team meets regularly to review progress and make any needed adjustments. They keep working together until the team agrees that the formal WrapAround process is no longer necessary.


We built our WrapAround process on the idea that supports should be personalized, family-focused, respectful of different cultures, and connected to the community. The process helps families strengthen relationships and find support from people and resources in their social circles and communities.


WrapAround is strengths-based which allows children and families to recognize and build on their talents and abilities.


We are the lead agency for the WrapAround process in this area and offer these services when appropriate, to children and families in London-Middlesex, Oxford, and Elgin counties.


The WrapAround process is guided by the following principles:


It is unique from traditional services in that:


  • The family directs the plan

  • Plans are flexible and unique to each family

  • If a plan doesn't meet a families needs, the plan is changed

The individual/family always has:


  • A choice about the services they receive

  • A voice in the manner in which they receive services

  • Ownership of decisions that affect their lives

For further information, please contact CSCN at 519-438-4783 or toll free at 1-877-480-2726 and ask for Children's Intake.

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